At its third meeting, held on 13 December in Bishkek, the Technical Committee discussed main results of the Programme to date and determined plans for the nearest future. The meeting was attended by national authorities – Ministry of Interior, Health, Justice, Ombudsman Institute, international organizations and NGOs to ensure effective coordination of counter-drug activities in Kyrgyz Republic.
While welcoming the participants and guests, Mr. Cosimo Lamberti, EU representative, stressed the importance of partnership and cooperation of all institutions involved and highlighted CADAP Programme flexibility in terms of adopting to the new emerging trends.
Ms. Cholpon Tabaldieva, Senior Criminal Intelligence Investigator of Information and Analytical Department of the Ministry of Interior thanked CADAP for providing constant platform for opinion and experience sharing. She informed that new anti-narcotics State Programme has been adopted by the Government, which takes account on new challenges and threats considering changing situation and new psychoactive substances are gaining more and more popularity among youth.
Besides discussing the results to highlight, sharing the opinions and determining the plan of actions for the next year, participants have been acquainted with the latest developments with regard to evidence-based drug policies – the approach of Spain has been presented to them. Also, the requirements related to study visits to Spain (Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs, under Ministry of Health) have been communicated to potential applicants.
Special target of the meeting was the CADAP support to the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in conduct of integrated biobehavioural study on the spread of HIV infection among labor migrants. This study is necessary to study the dynamics of the spread of HIV infection, risk factors, behaviour patterns among labor migrants and sex workers , assess and subsequently predict the epidemiological situation and timely planning of preventive measures.
CADAP technical committee meetings, conducted twice a year on a country level, continue to serve as a basis for monitoring progress towards project goals and a reference point for efficiency of cooperation and partnerships with the beneficiaries during the implementation phase.