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This output aims at strengthening data collection and analysis systems in Central Asia as a starting point for the generation of objective, reliable, gender-sensitive and evidence-based information on the drug situation, considering international standards and EU best practices. This intervention allows to exchange experiences in data collection and analysis systems during the national training events as well as a regional Workshops, early warning systems and in the elaboration of National Drug Reports, in the CA countries.
The output is implemented with the support of Podané Ruce, Czech Republic.
Kazakhstan has a well-established information system on the drug situation, which helps to monitor trends, patterns and characteristics of drug use. The country has also a well-established and defined system of coordination among various government entities involved in drug policy that includes the Ministry of Interior (MoI), Ministry of Health (MoH), and narcology centers. There are recent developments in national drug strategy updating its goals and actions. The country has experience in conducting cross sectional surveys on drug use among youth, collating valuable information on the prevalence and patterns of drug use among young people, which can be used to inform prevention and intervention efforts.
Drug Information Systems has established partnerships with numerous international organisations in the field of drug control and public health and demonstrated experience and proficiency in conducting surveys among school-aged children, providing valuable insights into the prevalence and patterns of NPS use among this population group. Newly established EWS “ECHO” has started functioning within MIA in close coordination with other stakeholders.
Existence of the National Drug Observatory (National Centre for Monitoring and Prevention of Drug Addiction), which is adequately staffed with personnel to carry out drug monitoring and research activities. The existence of national policy support for Drug Information Systems (DIS) indicates a government commitment to understanding and addressing drug-related issues. Tajikistan has a substantial potential of experts and researchers with a wealth of experience in drug monitoring and research, which further supports the development of drug policies and interventions.
The government of the country recognised the importance of collaborating with other organisations and has established partnerships with various international organisations such as the European Union, UN agencies. Demonstrated keen willingness and interest to collaborate in the CADAP Programme, reflecting the national commitment to address drug-related issues and their recognition of the importance of regional cooperation in drug control efforts.
National Information-Analytical Centre on Drug Control under the Office of the President of Uzbekistan with the mandate to monitors drug situation and implementation of the national policy support to DIS coordinates drug demand reduction measures with state and non-state institutions. There is an expertise within the country on drug information systems and substantial number of annual reports on the drug situation have been prepared including collection and use of sex-disaggregated data for some indicators. However, systematic data collection systems with reliable and standardised to monitor and evaluate drug use in Uzbekistan is needed as well as strengthening regulation and control of the sale of synthetic drugs and medicines containing psychoactive substances, including the implementation of online monitoring measures.
EU CADAP – impact of the data collection actions
- Assessments, country and regional reports and surveys published to enhance evidence based and context specific measures
- Enhanced data collection instruments and analysis to build reliable policy development and drug demand reduction measures
- Supported networks of national focal points in producing and disseminating high quality statistics
- Supported the creation of early warning systems, especially for NPS