The 7th Phase of CADAP Program has officially started! On March 29, 2022 the official opening conference took place- delegations of beneficiary countries from Central Asia, European Union Delegations, drug control experts, international organizations and diplomatic missions came together to officially launch a new phase of one of the most important initiatives of the European Union aimed at reducing the drug demand in Central Asia, promoting prevention initiatives and improving the treatment in the region.
The conference aimed to present an overview of the current implementing phase, elaborate on key objectives and expected results, and define priorities and joint actions at a regional level.
As mentioned by Raimonds Vingris, Deputy EU Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, during the press conference, stability and security issues are priority areas of the new EU strategy for Central Asia. “The European Union will seek further ways to intensify cooperation with the region to fight organised crime, migrant smuggling, trafficking in human beings and trafficking in illicit drugs. The EU will continue cooperating in developing integrated and balanced drug policies in drug demand reduction and addressing illegal drugs supply and related organised crime”, he said.
Colonel Ulanbek Sultanov, Head of the State Anti-Drug Service of Kyrgyzstan said: “During the over 15-year history of CADAP in Kyrgyzstan and in the region as a whole, the Programme, together with the EU, has built a longstanding relationship with Kyrgyzstan and has proven to be the leading donor and a reliable partner in the reduction of drug use and development of integrated and evidence-based drug policies. There is no doubt that the implementation of the next 7th phase is entrusted to professionals – we sincerely welcome FIAPP(International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies) and count on your valuable expertise.”
The event brought together over a hundred participants including the key beneficiary agencies, embassies of the Central Asian countries, European Union Member States, international organisations working on security and drug reduction, and other partners. By offering opportunities to meet, discuss and exchange expertise and professional opinions, the conference represented the next step towards strengthening a coordination platform in the area of drug demand reduction.