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From a strategic point of view and after a careful review of the lessons learnt from previous phases of the programme, in CADAP 7 a new output was included to

1) strengthen the cohesiveness and coordination of the intervention as a whole

2) ensure the cross-cutting issues such as the gender and human rights approach

3)the monitoring and evaluation of activities and

4) promote the visibility of the EU in the region.

The primary objective of this new element is to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the intervention towards sustainability and better impact.

EU CADAP – impact on institutional strengthening

  • Human capital – increased capacity in drug demand reduction and vast pool of professionals trained
  • Enriched availability of services in narcological centers, medical dispensaries and community outreach
  • Improved education and living condition of male and female prisoners
  • Scaled-up gender-responsive services for women who use drugs
  • Improved accessibility to evidence-based prevention programmes and tools using EMCDDA quality standards